View Full Version : Racing

  1. Best E/T's
  2. Don't underestiamte that brand new SHO at the track!
  3. New PB!!!
  4. Big Red ups the Ante again....
  6. I think I picked a fight for the SS that I may not win
  7. Marco is pushing for a 275 radial class at NED thoughts?
  8. 2010 NED Racing Schedule is up. Time to start picking track days!!!
  9. 20 roll's
  10. NED 5/2
  11. Chaulk up another Stang!!!
  12. Again,Damn
  13. TBSS > Early 2000's Mustang GT 5-speed
  14. Stitch vs CRX!!!
  15. Drag Racing for Newbies
  16. Made some N/A passes last night
  17. Me vs 1g DSM
  18. got 3 runs in today before they stopped it for the rain...
  19. Did My First High Performance Driving Event Today
  20. hahah
  21. First time on the 1/4 and got kicked off.
  22. so i broke TWO personal records yesterday!!!
  23. NED 10/22
  24. So close to the 11's!
  25. NED 10/31
  26. In the 11's! WooHoo
  27. Almost to 10s tonight!!!
  29. Kill story
  30. 325I vs The Battle Tuna
  31. Track Day for myself! lol
  32. Lost MPH In Better Air??
  33. Eclipse fail
  34. Cheap "Pro Stars"
  35. Heading up to NED tonight.
  36. 8/20 Track day results
  37. Ran with the New 410's
  38. Good luck Tony!!!
  39. Anyone going to the track this Fri?
  40. Chevy weekend oct 1/2
  41. 9/21 Results
  42. Ran with new TH350
  43. 10/5 New England dragway anyone
  44. Good/Bad track night!
  45. Black turbo camaro
  46. New PB. Finally in the 11's
  47. Got into the 11s
  48. Finally Got my 11 Second Pass
  49. New PB Last night. still tweaking
  50. thats how it is..
  51. Goodyear Eagle Drag Radials
  52. 00camaroz28 vs 01camaross
  53. Roll call!!!!! LTX Shootout 2012
  54. Audi S4 bites it today
  55. Hitting the track
  56. New Personal best last night
  57. First Outing @ the track! Slip Incuded
  58. Silly Stang, 5.slow is no match for an ls1
  59. welp...
  60. My moments...
  61. place to go fast in RI
  62. highway race
  63. New best for me
  64. Cecil County Dragway Trip November/December
  65. First real track outting with the car this season
  66. Bolt on LT1 Breaks into the 11's!
  67. NED Outlaw 10.5 series
  68. Texas Mile Crash
  69. 11 Second Club!
  70. Made a few passes
  71. Closer
  72. Klab LT1 vs Santas STi
  73. Hit the track last wednesday
  74. Brockton Races
  75. plan on making my first visit to the NED
  76. Friday Night Results!
  77. New Bests Tonight!
  78. 12.9's on Aug 30 after the converter!
  79. Deeper In the 11s
  80. Better air = 12.809 new best!
  81. Hitting the track Friday night!! Finally
  82. 10-11-13
  83. 11.67 With New Setup
  84. My first few passes
  85. Over weight, under powered LS got #2 in points
  86. news...
  87. Finally went 50s!
  88. Last Horrah
  89. Hit the strip. New best 60'
  90. Lebanon Valley Sunday
  91. Got my 10 Second Time Slip
  92. quick question
  93. Open Headers = New Personal Best
  94. Finally broke into the 10s