- Best E/T's
- Don't underestiamte that brand new SHO at the track!
- New PB!!!
- Big Red ups the Ante again....
- I think I picked a fight for the SS that I may not win
- Marco is pushing for a 275 radial class at NED thoughts?
- 2010 NED Racing Schedule is up. Time to start picking track days!!!
- 20 roll's
- NED 5/2
- Chaulk up another Stang!!!
- Again,Damn
- TBSS > Early 2000's Mustang GT 5-speed
- Stitch vs CRX!!!
- Drag Racing for Newbies
- Made some N/A passes last night
- Me vs 1g DSM
- got 3 runs in today before they stopped it for the rain...
- Did My First High Performance Driving Event Today
- hahah
- First time on the 1/4 and got kicked off.
- so i broke TWO personal records yesterday!!!
- NED 10/22
- So close to the 11's!
- NED 10/31
- In the 11's! WooHoo
- Almost to 10s tonight!!!
- Kill story
- 325I vs The Battle Tuna
- Track Day for myself! lol
- Lost MPH In Better Air??
- Eclipse fail
- Cheap "Pro Stars"
- Heading up to NED tonight.
- 8/20 Track day results
- Ran with the New 410's
- Good luck Tony!!!
- Anyone going to the track this Fri?
- Chevy weekend oct 1/2
- 9/21 Results
- Ran with new TH350
- 10/5 New England dragway anyone
- Good/Bad track night!
- Black turbo camaro
- New PB. Finally in the 11's
- Got into the 11s
- Finally Got my 11 Second Pass
- New PB Last night. still tweaking
- thats how it is..
- Goodyear Eagle Drag Radials
- 00camaroz28 vs 01camaross
- Roll call!!!!! LTX Shootout 2012
- Audi S4 bites it today
- Hitting the track
- New Personal best last night
- First Outing @ the track! Slip Incuded
- Silly Stang, 5.slow is no match for an ls1
- welp...
- My moments...
- place to go fast in RI
- highway race
- New best for me
- Cecil County Dragway Trip November/December
- First real track outting with the car this season
- Bolt on LT1 Breaks into the 11's!
- NED Outlaw 10.5 series
- Texas Mile Crash
- 11 Second Club!
- Made a few passes
- Closer
- Klab LT1 vs Santas STi
- Hit the track last wednesday
- Brockton Races
- plan on making my first visit to the NED
- Friday Night Results!
- New Bests Tonight!
- 12.9's on Aug 30 after the converter!
- Deeper In the 11s
- Better air = 12.809 new best!
- Hitting the track Friday night!! Finally
- 10-11-13
- 11.67 With New Setup
- My first few passes
- Over weight, under powered LS got #2 in points
- news...
- Finally went 50s!
- Last Horrah
- Hit the strip. New best 60'
- Lebanon Valley Sunday
- Got my 10 Second Time Slip
- quick question
- Open Headers = New Personal Best
- Finally broke into the 10s